Alexandre Monnot
Lead Developer, Musician, Speedrunner, Life enjoyer <3

Lead Developer, Musician, Speedrunner, Life enjoyer <3
Hi all !
My name is Alexandre Monnot and I'm currently working at Airbus as Mixed Reality Lead Developer since 2022.
I've started my dev journey with funny Python programming during school, Java in high-school, then focusing on PHP for web alongside my studies, then my passion for Maths led me to the 3d rendering, focusing on low level C++ API first, ending up with Unity Engine and C#. Since then I became a big fan of of the .NET ecosystem and all the amazing open source frameworks built on top of it !
Aside from my job position, I spend a lot of time checking everyday Github's raising stars, reading tech update, foresseing programming languages updates, and of course starting awesome projects that will be left aside every weeks :D.
I'm also spending a lot of time playing Hard-Rock music with my band The Warm Lair in which I'm the bass player. Otherwise I play also piano and guitar and I'm a huge fan of computer assisted music and home studio in general (Reaper <3).
When I'm not developing nor playing music I'm probably speedrunning a game :)
I find speedrunning very fun despite being reptitive. It's just me against the game, overcoming myself to improve my time, chatting with awesome communities to discover new bugs/glitches/tricks. It's amazing ! Check out my profile
If you meet me don't hesitate to ask playing board games while drinking beers n_n
That's pretty much all about me !
Recent activity on Github
Some of my open source projects